Weekly Links 2

May 28, 2023

Hello! My name is Miguel and you are reading Weekly Links. Every week I publish a list of interesting stuff I find online. You can subscribe via rss for free. If you’re already a subscriber thanks!

Right after I sent the previous edition, Adobe released a new version of Photoshop with generative AI magic... someone was paying attention after all. Anyway, against all odds, I present to you: The Second Edition.

  • Tweezers vs Wii. An interesting video about how some wizards hacked the Nintendo Wii using... tweezers. Tweezers: great thingy for plucking out that weird hair from your nose or a handy tool for hacking your game console.

  • The 100 best movies ever made. According to them. Back to the Future, yes. Ghostbusters, yes. The Lion King, f*ck yes. RoboCop, yes. Star Wars: The Last Jedi... WTF? Go home, List. You're drunk.

  • Bouncy battery. Apparently you can tell the power left in a battery depending on how bouncy it is. Lol, next time I'll just drop them on the floor to see which ones need to be juiced up.

  • Hey ChatGPT, do my homework: Lawyer Edition. Some lawyers used ChatGPT fakery in a real world case without realizing it was making stuff up. Come one guys, you can do better... the BAR is not that high. (See what I did there?) Here's a backup link. 🤫

  • Nugget-Tetris looks delicious and fun. When was the last time you actually wanted to play with your food? Can I get some sauce for my video-game?

That's all for this week, pals. Let me know what you think and feel free to send me interesting links!

- Miguel

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